PrEP protocol

How might we support sexual health patients and providers in navigating the PrEP Initiation process?

Centering the hUman experience in Healthcare

Our team of social designers partnered with Baltimore City Health Department’s Sexual Health Clinics in order to bring more ease and empathy to the experience of initiating PrEP for both patients and providers. PrEP is a daily medication that can prevent contraction of HIV. The highly personal nature of this subject matter paired with the lingering societal stigma associated called for deep empathy, care, and consciousness to be taken as we sought to understand and support. Mapping the journeys of the PrEP Protocol and process were essential in identifying bright spots and opportunities for intervention. We hope that as these deliverables are implemented and further tested, we see more eligible patients getting connected to PrEP and more providers feeling comfortable walking through the cumbersome Protocol.